Welcome to Our Story!

Ziola Family

Welcome to Iron Kreek Ranch - Prairie Gold Pastured Meats!

At Iron Kreek Ranch, our journey began in 2008 when Roxanne sought a more holistic approach to feeding her family. Eager to provide wholesome, nutrient-rich food, they embarked on an experiment, raising one animal solely on nutritious grasses. The results were outstanding, and the love for this sustainable and nourishing practice took root in their lives.

Roxanne and Kevin, the proud owners of Iron Kreek Ranch - Prairie Gold Pastured Meats, have made it their mission to dedicate their livelihood to learning from the animals, industry professionals, peers, and valued clients. Their profound belief in nourishing every aspect of the farming process, from the soil to the final product, drives their commitment to excellence.

With unwavering dedication, Roxanne and Kevin have cultivated top-quality meats for their own families and are now thrilled to extend this passion to yours. This endeavor is truly a labor of love, borne from their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts.

Iron Kreek Ranch has a rich history intertwined with the Ziola family. Since 1947, the Ziola's have cared for the land and animals that thrive upon it. As the third generation to steward these precious resources, they deeply understand the importance of sustainable practices, responsible land management, and preserving the legacy of Iron Kreek Ranch.

Join us on this remarkable journey as we share the fruits of our hard work, ensuring that every bite you savor embodies the love and dedication that go into raising top-quality, pasture-raised meats.

Experience the difference at Iron Kreek Ranch - Prairie Gold Pastured Meats, where tradition, sustainability, and exceptional quality unite to feed both your body and soul.


Farms that centre around perennial pastures and use grazing practices that mimic the natural behaviour of the great herds of the grasslands build topsoil, sequester atmospheric carbon, reduce erosion, increase water retention and drought resistance, produce a diverse sward of healthy, pest-resistant, high-energy grasses that bring optimal health to the grazing animals of the farm.


Pasture-based meat production restores seasonality to the ritual of eating meat. Seasonality is to be celebrated and enjoyed as the different species fatten through the year: lamb in spring and summer, beef in summer and fall, pork through fall and winter. A seasonal harvest ensures the meat is of uncompromising quality in nutrition, flavour, freshness; and cannot be replicated industrially.


A distinction of taste, nutrition, and ethics is drawn between animals raised outdoors: fed a diet rich in grasses, legumes, and forbs - and conventionally raised animals. Meat from animals raised on pastures has a rich flavour profile; a broad spectrum of highly available vitamins, minerals, and other metabolites; dignifies the life of the animal; and can be relished by the eater.